Expert Ear Removal Surgery & Recovery in Ventura | Ventura ENT
The Problem
Prominent ears lack a normal fold of cartilage, sometimes affecting one ear more than the other. Children with prominent ears are often teased at school. In severe cases, ear removal surgery may be considered, although ear pinning is more common.
What Can Be Done?
Surgery can correct deformities, set ears back closer to the head, and create a natural look, boosting confidence. Ear surgery recovery is generally quick, with most patients experiencing minimal discomfort.
The surgery is usually done after age 5, when the cartilage is strong enough. While the goal is improvement, perfect symmetry is not guaranteed. Complications of ear surgery are rare, but may include infection or scarring.
Surgical Procedure
For children, the surgery is under general anesthesia; for adults or older children, local anesthesia with sedation may be used. The skin is incised behind the ear, and the cartilage is sculpted and stitched. A turban-like bandage is used to aid healing. A faint scar may remain.
After the Operation
Children typically recover within a few hours, though they may stay overnight until the anesthetic wears off. Pain can be managed with simple painkillers. The bandages are removed after 10 days, with a lighter headband worn for 6 weeks. Ear surgery recovery usually goes smoothly, though contact sports should be avoided for 3 weeks.
Time Off
Most children can return to school after a week, and adults may return to work in 48 hours.
Potential Complications
The scar behind the ear typically fades but may become lumpy in some cases. Infection is rare, and any bleeding is usually minor. Complications of ear surgery like loss of correction can happen, especially if the ears are traumatised before healing is complete. Some numbness or tingling may occur, and additional surgery may be needed in rare cases.
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